Sunday 1 May 2016

Member of the Month - April 2016 # 3

Lulu's Member of the Month
April 2016
Lulu Guild's Member of the Month for April 2016, has been discussed and chosen. 

And Eugène, Eugene85 is our champion! 

Congratulations! You're our Member of the Month for  April! 

Eugène, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous shards donations, for your unfailing commitment to all areas of guild life, and for your consistent participation in important guild events like guild wars. 

Thank you, you are an exemplary member of our guild, and therefore, our Lulu champion for April.  

As Member of the Month your rewards are:

* Your username at the top of the guild header for a month.

* A post in our website with a picture of your favourite hero.

* Plus a Castle Clash Youtube video of your choice in our site.

We would also like to thank all other members for their continuous support. Please keep donating, but and above all, keep up your commitment to our guild. ☺

With best wishes 


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