Friday 11 March 2016

Poll #1 Results

The results of our first poll are in, and Lulu guild's favourite legendary hero is

ta dah…
Evolved Skull Knight
Skull Knight aka SK

He is the beast of Castle Clash! He is a nightmare to destroy and a dream when he is on your side. He has the fastest attack speed (ATK SPD) and the fastest movement speed (MOV SPD) of all heroes, and has one of the highest amount of hit-points (HP)in the game…And… if that wasn’t enough, Skull Knight comes with inherent revive 8/8 and a damage limiter that only two heroes are able to remove, Pixie & Arctica!

So not surprising, SK was top of our poll!

In distant and joint second place, was the essential Pumpkin Duke, PD and the majestic Vlad Dracula, Vlad

And joint third, was the magnificent trio of Dread Drake, DD, Warlock, WL & Santa Boom, SB

Thank you for taking part and we will have another poll soon…keep visiting :D   

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